Sunday, June 14, 2015

Went to the House, Nothing Happened

Well, as you could probably deduct from the title of this post, I went back to the house, and it was an entirely uneventful trip, although I did manage to get some pictures.

Here is a picture of a small side-building from afar.

The wall of the main building. It appears overgrown and abandoned, hence my confusion that someone else was nearby. I would expect this place to be long gone. They may have been another explorer like me, but that wouldn't explain why they seemed to want to keep me away.

A side view of the staircase on the opposite side of the house. Note how much better of a condition it appears to be in.
The door at the bottom of the staircase, leading inside. It was locked, and I didn't want to force it in case my little friend would return. I could find no unlocked doors or windows on any other parts of the house either. I do not think I shall be returning; it seems that the whole trip was a colossal waste of time. I suspect I shall never know who it was that attacked me, or who it is that is maintaining the one side of this place and keeping it locked up. Oh well; I'm not gonna lose sleep over it.

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